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How addicts buy Oxycodone by placing multiple orders linked to same address

How addicts buy Oxycodone by placing multiple orders

How addicts buy Oxycodone by placing multiple orders linked to same address

How addicts buy Oxycodone by placing multiple orders linked to the same address is a very interesting topic in the opioid crisis. People are taking advantage of the loopholes that allow an address to place multiple orders. This means that a person with a script for a month’s supply of Oxycodone can use it to get about 500 pills by placing multiple orders.

They are able to do this by taking advantage of a lack of proper checks with registered online pharmacies. These pharmacies that sell Oxycodone and opiates online, have no alert system in place to identify when someone makes multiple orders to the same address hence allowing addicts to continuously get a steady supply of drugs. It is a very risky way to buy Oxycodone online but well explored by addicts.

The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) which is an online pharmacy regulator, is calling for stricter measures to be introduced and says it is consulting on whether online pharmacies should stop supplying opiates unless further checks are carried out.

With stricter rules being implemented, many now go to websites that do not require a prescription and one of such websites is

Several pharmacies are under investigation and one such pharmacy is Doctor-4-u. They were called up after it was discovered someone made four orders in a month for the strong opioid dihydrocodeine from their website.

Doctor-4-u said it carried out thorough ID checks, but multiple orders to the same address were possible if someone used a different family member’s ID and credit card. It said this would not be flagged up on its system.

The company says it is trying to put in place measures to stop this and to demonstrate its commitment to making online pharmacies as safe as possible.

Buying Oxycodone online without a prescription

Buying Oxycodone online without a prescription is a different thing altogether. It entails buying from what many will call a rogue pharmacy. These are pharmacies that are not registered but still sell drugs. There are many of them online with the only problem being able to identify one that actually delivers.

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